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                       56  /    International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(38), Spring. 2024
                       state,  connection  to  the  world        Causal Relationships in Moral
                       of    intellects,     and     true        Judgments

                       understanding of the universe.            Mulla  Ṣadrā  explained  the
                       From Mulla Ṣadrā's viewpoint,             relationship  between  jurisprudence
                       although     every     existential        and morality in such a way that

                       perfection cannot be considered a         jurisprudential  rulings  are like
                       moral  perfection,  every  moral          doctors’ recommendations, which
                       perfection  is  necessarily  an           appear to praise medicine and

                       existential perfection. It is clear       order to use it but refer to the
                       that  this  goal  is  real  and  its      real  background  of  those
                       achievement  also  depends  on            recommendations  and  orders.

                       performing certain actions and            In  other  words,  the  doctors’
                       realizing  the  attributes  and           recommendations do not imply
                       properties that are appropriate to it.    the inherent desirability of that
                       Therefore,  the  intrinsic  value         medicine,  but  rather  that  the

                       that  is  applied  to  the  goal  of      use of medicine is effective in
                       morality  is  real.  Instrumental         reducing  pain  and  ultimately

                       values, which refer to the effect         finding  recovery.  Religious
                       of actions in achieving goals, are        and  jurisprudential  rulings  are
                       also real, because every action           often  issued  in  the  form  of
                       has a real effect, either positive or     order  or  prohibition,  but  each

                       negative,  in  realizing  the  true       of  them  refers  to  the  causal
                       happiness of man, whether those           relationship  between  some
                       effects can be seen in the world or       actions and the true happiness

                       not.  So,  the  criterion  of             of  man,  which  is  often  not
                       goodness and badness is real and          taken into account:
                       objective. (Mulla Ṣadrā, 1981a,              Likewise,  legal  and  religious

                       Vol.4:  115;  Ibid  ,  (2020);  Ibid,     actions  are  a  cure  for  heart
                       1960)  Therefore, the real criterion      diseases,    while     they    are
                       for morality guarantees that Mulla        something that most people do

                       Ṣadrā's  moral  viewpoint  is             not  feel,  most  of  them  have
                       among realistic theories.                 neglected it, and few are aware
                                                                 of the ways of connection and
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