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                       80  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Winter. 2024
                       blowing  the  Trumpet,  etc.              happiness  but  pleasure  and
                       Therefore,  believing  in  the            enjoyment. Jeremy Bentham &

                       resurrection  is  closely  related        John      Stuart     Mill,     two
                       to  the  individuals’  lifestyles         contemporary               English
                       (Ref: Misbah Yazdi, 1998).                philosophers  and  economists,

                                                                 believe that the action is right if
                          3.  Soul Control                       it tends to promote happiness or
                       The  man  should  control  his            pleasure and wrong if it tends to

                       inner  faculties  to  act  in  a          produce  unhappiness  (Misbah
                       particular  way  to  achieve              Yazdi, 2008: 107-109).
                       perfection. In this respect, man             However,       happiness      in

                       should  manage  his/her  inner            Islamic  ethics  is  achieved
                       faculties to not lead toward al-          through managing pleasure, and
                       Ifrāṭ wa al-Tafrīṭ (exaggeration          desire as well as moderating the

                       and  simplicity).  Soul  control          unlimited wishes.
                       means to keep continuing inner
                       faculties in the moderate form,              Soul  control  plays  a  key

                       called  'Idālat  (justice)  and           role    in    man's     character,
                       I'tidāl  (moderation)  in  Islamic        behavior, and lifestyle since it,
                       ethics.  If  a  man  intends  to          along with its faculties, is the
                       achieve  happiness,  perfection,          offspring  of  all  moral  virtues

                       and      Taqarrub        (seeking         and  vices  that  direct  people's
                       proximity)  to  Allah  (SWT),             behaviors.  Before  finding  out
                       s/he  needs  to  control  his/her         how  to  control  the  soul  in

                       inner faculties and protect them          moderate  status,  we  should
                       in moderate form.                         initially   know      the    exact
                         This      is    contrary      to        meaning  of  soul  control  in

                       Hedonism,  which  refers  to  a           advance. To find the objective,
                       set of theories, all of which as          this study will examine each of
                       commonality       present     that        the  faculty  of  intellect,  anger,

                       pleasure  plays  a  central  role.        and concupiscence as follows:
                       Based on Hedonism. Pleasure
                       is  happiness  i.e.,  there  is  no
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