Page 82 - Pure Life 38
P. 82
An Analysis of the Impacts of Religious Ethics Principles … M. Askarinejad et al (81
3.1. Faculty of ‘Aql (Intellect) • Ḥikmat (Wisdom) as
'I'tidāl (Moderation) Side
Intellect or reason is a human of Theoretical Intellect
cognitive faculty and one of
The Four Sources for the There is a controversial
deduction of the laws of discussion on controlling and
shari’a or jurisprudential finding theoretical intellect
rulings. into moderate status. Some
Islamic scholars believe in the
According to epistemologists,
the intellect cognizes general impossibility of managing the
concepts and consists of two theoretical intellect into
functions, namely Shohūd moderate status while others
(intuition; cognition of self- disbelieve in it. In a fairly nice
evident propositions) and explanation, the late Mulla
Ta'aqul (reasoning; discovery Mohammad Mahdi Narāqī
of theoretical knowledge). The said,
intellect is of two kinds, namely There is no meaning for
theoretical and practical. The the theoretical intellect to
theoretical intellect cognizes the be attributed to
facts what is there and the moderation since it is
practical intellect has a aimed to motivate people
prescriptive or imperative to seek for truth and
function what ought or ought not encourage them to
to be done (Ref: Walczak, 2020). achieve unknown items
Remarkably, what is through thinking. There is
regarded in this study refers no meaning for the
back to the theoretical intellect. moderate status of
This faculty will be examined intellectual faculty to
in both 'I'tidāl (Moderation) receive knowledge or its
and Al-Ifrāṭ Wa al-Tafrīṭ limitation. The more
(exaggeration and simplicity) theoretical intellect
statuses as follows: achieves, the more virtues
are obtained and come
close to perfection. Some