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                       96  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Winter. 2024
                       Conclusion                                accessible  through  avoiding  the
                       In  the  contemporary  world              faculty  of  intellect  toward
                       where  various  options  are              Balāhat  (stupidity)  and  Makr
                       available to lead man applying            (sophistry), the faculty of anger

                       a lifestyle derived from welfare          toward Tahavvur (temerity) and
                       and  Westernization,  we  are  in         Jobn (cowardice) as well as the
                       dire  need  of  rethinking  and           faculty of concupiscence toward
                       expanding  consciousness  to              Sharah       (greediness)      and

                       live according to transcendental          Khomūd               (Subsidence).
                       values  and  beliefs.  Some               Furthermore, man also needs to

                       schools  of  thought  such  as            manage  his  deeds  toward
                       Hedonism,  Liberalism,  and               achieving  perfection  i.e.,  s/he
                       Humanism         incline     man          must harmonize his beliefs with
                       towards  absolute  freedom  in            his/her lifestyle including social

                       which material joy and pleasure           relations,    wearing      clothes,
                       play the central role.                    entertainment, eating habits, etc.
                         In  contrast,  the  school  of             Incorporating the principles of

                       Islam invites man to live based           religious     ethics    into    an
                       on  ethical  principles  and              individual's  lifestyle,  especially
                       harmonize  his  lifestyle  with           in  the  modern  era,  can  foster

                       values and doctrines by which             personal       growth,       social
                       man  can  find  perfection  and           responsibility,  and  community
                       salvation.  In  this  respect,  man       cohesion.  As  suggestions,  we

                       is  required  to  benefit  from           can  embrace  compassion  and
                       believing  in  the  oneness  of           empathy,  promote  justice  and
                       Almighty Allah (SWT) and the              fairness,    foster    community
                       Day  of  Judgment  as  well  as           engagement,  cultivate  personal

                       controlling    the    soul    that        integrity, practice environmental
                       influences people’s lifestyles.           stewardship, promote peace and
                         Controlling  of  the  soul              nonviolence,  encourage  lifelong

                       necessitates  attaining  Ḥikmat           learning,  integrate  mindfulness
                       (wisdom),  Shojā'at  (bravery),           and  spirituality,  and  promote
                       and  'Iffat  (chastity).  They  are       health and well-being.
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