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                       94  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Winter. 2024
                       activities  and  will  even  harm         foods.  In  this  respect,  Allah
                       their      spirituality.      The         (SWT) said,

                       recreation  and  entertainment                   “O  apostles!  Eat of the
                       that  do  not  lead  man  astray                 good  things  and  act
                       from the right path and do not                   righteously.  Indeed  I

                       cause  him  to  fall  into  sin  are             know best what you do”
                       not  only  permissible  but  are                 (The  Qur’an,  23:  51);
                       also completely approved and                     “O you who have faith!

                       endorsed by the religion.                        Eat  of  the  good  things
                         Therefore,  Muslims  do  not                   We  have  provided  you,
                       entertain  prohibited  pleasure                  and thank Allah, if it is

                       and  enjoyable  acts  but  rather                Him  that  you  worship”
                       spend their spare time  in line                  (The Qur’an, 2: 172).
                       with their beliefs because they              Hence,  Islamic  instructions
                       believe  in  the  Day  of                 determine     the    lifestyle   of

                       Judgment  in  which  man                  believers since they forbid them
                       receives  either  a  reward  or           from  eating  foods  that  are

                       punishment  for  deeds  during            ceremonially      unclean.     For
                       his lifetime.                             example, believers are prohibited

                                                                 from  eating  the  flesh  of  dogs,
                          4.  Eating Habits
                                                                 bears,  cheetahs,  rabbits,  cats,

                       What  and  how  to  eat  is               cockroaches,  crocodiles,  crows,
                       directed  in  the  Qur’an  and            eagles,  and  elephants.  These

                       traditions.  Unlike  hedonists,           instructions distinguish Muslims'
                       humanists,  and  materialists,            eating habits from others. Some

                       Muslims  cannot  turn  a  blind           divine  commandments  present
                       eye  to  their  faith  in  eating         the quality of eating and drinking
                       whatever      is    tasty     and         e.g., Muslims are recommended
                       enjoyable       and      drinking         to wash their hands in advance,

                       whatever  is  desirable,  rather          begin eating with a little salt, eat
                       they     have     to     consider         slowly, not have too much food,
                       permitted     and      prohibited         not eat hot food, not speak during
                                                                 eating,  and  end  it  with  salt  too.
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