Page 94 - Pure Life 38
P. 94

An Analysis of the Impacts of Religious Ethics Principles … M. Askarinejad et al (93

                       their  lives.  However,  some             form  of  a  Hijab  including
                       unconscious people, who face              wearing a Chador, Burqa, etc,

                       identity  crises  and  do  not            but  orders  women  to  cover
                       know how to harmonize their               their  head,  neck,  as  well  as
                       lifestyle  with  their  beliefs,          body  up  to  wrist  and  ankle,

                       may  act  in  the  mentioned              and  avoid  wearing  abnormal,
                       contradiction.      Remarkably,           strange, and  attractive  clothes
                       religion  does  not  determine            to non-Maḥram.

                       the form and shape of clothes
                       but  expresses  the  criteria  in             3.  Entertainment
                       which the standard of clothing

                       is  considered  to  protect  man          Since Muslims are not allowed
                       from      inclination     toward          to  enjoy  Ḥarām  (forbidden)
                       immorality  and  degeneration.            kind  of  entertainment,  they
                       In  this  respect,  Almighty              benefit from particular ones that

                       Allah (SWT) said,                         are  far  different  compared  to
                             “O  Prophet!  Tell  your            materialists,    hedonists,    and

                             wives and your daughters            liberalists.  On  the  one  hand,
                             and  the  women  of  the            some       entertainment       and
                             faithful  to  draw  closely         recreation combined with things
                             over  themselves  their             prohibited  in  Islam.  No  matter

                             chadors  [when  going               what the intention may be, it is
                             out]. That makes it likely          not permissible if entertainment
                             for them to be recognized           involves drinking alcohol, using

                             and not be troubled, and            drugs,  gambling,  and  listening
                             Allah is all-forgiving, all-        to  frivolous  and  licentious
                             merciful”  (The  Qur’an,            music (Ref: The Qur’an, 5:90).

                             33: 59).                            On  the  other  hand,  human
                         Accordingly,  the  criteria             beings  require  diversity  and
                       determined       that     faithful        recreation      for    them      to

                       women  are  not  allowed  to              continue  their  lives  and  have
                       come in public without Hijab.             high  spirits.  Humdrumness
                       The  Qur’an does not state the            will     curtail    their    daily
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