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                       92  /   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE, 11(37), Winter. 2024
                       neatness,  cooperation,  and              in  Muslim  relations  with
                       loyalty, whereas some specific            neighbors.  In  this  respect,

                       rights presented for them as well         Prophet  Muhammad  (PBUH)
                       such  as  guardianship,  paying           said,
                       alimony and dowry, etc. Unlike                   Whoever believes in Allah

                       Hedonism,  Humanism,  and                        (SWT)  and  the  Day  of
                       Liberalism, Islamic doctrines  do                Judgement  should  not
                       not    only     determine      the               harm his neighbor (Noori,

                       relationship  among  individuals                 1988: 423).
                       in family and neighbors but also
                       their  relations  in  society  is             2.  Wearing Clothes

                       considered too (Ref: Khajegir &
                       Afroogh, 2018).                           Since  a  particular  design  of
                         For  example,  concerning  the          clothes shows man’s esthetic
                       relationship  with  neighbors,            sense  and  preference  to  look

                       Imam Ali (PBUH) said,                     attractive  within,  his  style  of
                             Up  to  forty  houses  are          wearing  is  in  harmony  with

                             neighbors  on  four  sides          his beliefs on the universe and
                             (Ḥurr ‘Amili, 1995, Vol.2:          hereafter.     There      is    an
                             132).                               interrelation  among  beliefs,
                         Thus,  Muslims should care              moral  values,  and  people’s

                       about  their  neighbors.  In  this        wearing clothes because Imam
                       respect,  Prophet  Muhammad               Ali (PBUH) said,
                       (PBUH) said,                                     Uprightness of the exteriors

                             Gabriel  has  continued  to                is a symbol of the soundness
                             strongly recommend me to                   of  the  inner  conscience
                             be  kind  to  my  neighbor                 (Āmadī  Tamīmī,  1989:

                             until  I  thought  that  he                Ḥadīth 5805).
                             would  make  him  among                Hence, there is a contradiction
                             my heirs (Ibn Abī Jumhūr,           between  believing  in  Islamic

                             1983, Vol.1: 256).                  doctrines  and  wearing  clothes
                         Pleasantness      is    another         like humanists, materialists, and
                       right that should be considered           hedonists who cut off God from
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