Page 92 - Pure Life 38
P. 92

An Analysis of the Impacts of Religious Ethics Principles … M. Askarinejad et al (91

                             leisure  activities,  clothing,     the  relationship  between  men
                             eating     habits,     home         and  women,  boys  and  girls,

                             decoration,  etc.  It  also         etc.  According  to  Hedonism,
                             includes    some     mental         pleasure plays a central role in
                             actions     like   attitudes,       relationships,  while  in  Islam

                             perceptions,         beliefs,       they  are  based  on  a  structure
                             worldviews,      tendencies,        introduced by Shari’a. Hence,
                             values and preferences, etc         people  should  control  their

                             (Ref: Bayengani, 2013: 46).         souls  to  be  obedient  to  Allah
                         This  query  seeks  to  mention         (SWT)  and  to  avoid  the
                       that lifestyle is a set of relatively     consequences  of  its  non-

                       stable behavioral  models, which          controlling  on  the  day  of
                       includes     man’s       attitudes,       judgment.
                       tendencies,  and  behaviors  to              A  kind  of  limitation  is
                       achieve  a  goal.  The  behavioral        regarded  in  the  relationship

                       models are influenced by beliefs          among individuals in Islam i.e.,
                       and moral values, playing pivotal         it is sometimes Ḥalāl (permitted)

                       roles in the objective life in the        and       sometimes        Ḥarām
                       community including models of             (prohibited),  while  the  first
                       social relations, wearing clothes,        one  is  advised  and  admitted,
                       type  of  entertainment,  eating          but the  second one  is  blamed

                       habits, etc. We will examine the          and prohibited. In contrast, no
                       aforementioned  items  to  prove          limitation     is    found      for
                       their  impacts  on  the  lifestyle  in    relations in Hedonism. Verily,

                       the following:                            Shari’a  determines  a  kind  of

                                                                 relation  in  the  family,  with
                          1.  Social Relations
                                                                 neighbors  and  people  in  the

                       The  quality  of  interactions            community,  and  introduces
                       among people within a society             particular rights. For instance,
                       characterizes  social  relations.         as common rights for husband

                       Noticeably,  Islamic  ethical             and  wife,  Islam  introduced
                       perspectives      are     entirely        emotional  rights,  geniality,
                       different  from  Hedonism  in             cheerfulness,             respect,
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