Page 158 - Pure Life 07
P. 158


                  78  PURE LIFE, Vol.3.No.7, (Safar Al-Muzaffar 1438. Azar 1395. November 2016)

                      3.  The  true  nature  of  Imam  Hussain
                         followers and Yazid’s army
                  The next choices to be made were by the companions
                  of  the  Imam.  Two  options  remained:  to  leave  the
                  Imam and protect themselves and their and families,
                  or to stand by Imam Hussain to protect Islam.
                     It  is  interesting  to  analyze  the  relationship  of
                  Imam Hussain and his companions, the choices he
                  provides  them  with,  as  well  as  the  choices  they
                  make.  After  all,  a  decision  to  face  Yazid’s  army
                  “[is] a personal was not incumbent on
                  him to ask others to team up with him.”
                     Imam  Hussain  did  not  have  to  force  men  to  fight
                  with  him.  Those  who  chose  to  stand  by  him  were
                  moved by his spirit, and chose to stay with him based
                  on  following  truth.  It  is  perhaps  for  this  reason  that
                  history will not forget the names of such martyrs, as
                  their stance was truly, and purely, for the sake of Islam.
                     Yasin T. Jibouri relays the famous narration of “the
                  eve of the ninth of Muharram [where] Imam al-Hussain
                  gather[s] all his companions together and [says] to them,
                  ‘Whoever remains with me will be killed tomorrow; so
                  consider  this  opportunity  as  Allah-sent  and  take
                  advantage of the darkness and go home to your villages.’
                     He then extinguished the light so that those who
                  wanted to go  away  might not be too embarrassed
                  when seen by others.

                  1.  Mutahhari,
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