Page 159 - Pure Life 07
P. 159

The Day of Ashura: A Microcosm of the Human Condition / 77

                     Imam Hussain had already made the decision to
                  embark on his mission with or without the support
                  of the Kufans. He “[acted] in accordance with the
                  obligation  of  ‘enjoining  what  is  right  and
                  forbidding  what  is  wrong’  […]  he  was  under  no
                  illusions  that  that  was  his  prime  motive  for
                  launching his revolt.”
                     Imam Hussain chooses to refuse allegiance to a
                  man  he  does  not  see  fit  to  wear  the  crown  of
                  caliphate, a man who lived in direct difference with
                  the  pure  teachings  of  Prophet  Muhammad,  peace
                  be upon him. It was a choice that was made from
                  the  beginning  of  time,  that  comes  to  a  beautiful
                  fruition  of  one  man  against  many.  Through  his
                  decisions  from  the  beginning  of  the  journey  to
                  Karbala,  Imam  Hussain  manifests  the  choice  of
                  love in its truest form – for love does not demand
                  passivity, nor hiding away in the face of hardship.
                     Divine  Love,  the  truest  Love  of  all,  demands
                  action,  self-sacrifice,  and  rising  up  to  defend  the

                  1.  Mutahhari,
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