Page 157 - Pure Life 08
P. 157


                    159  Purification of Soul in Islamic Religious Rources

                  The Willingness of the Person for Purity
                  Ayatullah Mutahari says:
                     The difference between physical illness and mental
                   (soul) illness is that in the mental illness the sick must
                    know the illness and insist on his healing, but for the
                       physical illness others can also take decisions.
                     If the person was unconscious or didn't want to get
                    well, others can heal his illness by force too.buttoo.
                          But it's not possible for the mental illness.
                   There is also a responsibility for the sick, because he is
                    the patient and he is the doctor simultaneously, so if
                     you are your own doctor why you didn't yourself?!
                            (will be questioned on the hereafter).

                  Remove Other Factors if it's not the Root
                  Which  means, sometimes  jealousy  comes because
                  of rudeness  so selfishness,  just like grudge  which
                  comes because of jealousy.
                     We  have  to  find  out  the  root  of  it,  to  get  the
                  ability of removing it.

                  Do Opposite Acts
                  Which means try to act directly opposing of  your
                  wish when you are jealous?
                     For instance:
                     be  more  happy  (practice  even  if  you  are  not),
                  have kind behavior with others specially those who
                  you  jealous  on,  try  to  find  good  factors  in  others
                  and  praise  them  (true  compliments  on  others  will
                  remove your envy).
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