Page 169 - Pure Life 08
P. 169

147( / Nutrition Style of Prophet Mohammad  (saww)

                         Keeping away insanity,
                      -  Accuracy of sight,
                      -  Keeps away from illness.

                      10. Prophet  has  recommended  his  followers  to
                         eat by hand.
                         Imam Sadiq    (as)  says:
                         “Prophet sat like a servant, put his hand on the
                        ground, and ate with three fingers. He did not eat
                             with two fingers like arrogant people”.

                      11. Prophet  never  used  to  waste  his  food  and
                         always used to end it.
                     One of the most important matters nowadays is
                  waste; one should avoid waste at all cost.
                         Allah in the Holy Quran says:

                   “O children of Adam! attend to your embellishments at
                     every time of prayer, and eat and drink and be not
                   extravagant; surely He does not love the extravagant”.
                      12. According to view of Prophet “The greatest
                         blessing is in the ending of the food”.

                  1. Al-Kulayni, 1367, Vol. 6, P. 297, No. 6; Al-Barqi, 1330, Vol. 2,
                  P. 442; Majlesi, 1403, Vol. 63, P. 414.
                  2. Surah Al-A’raf, Verse 31.
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