Page 170 - Pure Life 08
P. 170

146  / ( PURE LIFE, Vol.3.No.8, (Jumada al-Thani 1438. Isfand 1395. March. 2017)

                     Whenever  Prophet  Mohammad          (saww)   used  to  eat
                  food, he would bring food close to his mouth rather
                  than lowering his head towards food.
                     Prophet  Mohammad        (saww)   never  leaned  while
                  eating; he did this to avoid being arrogant and God
                  hates the arrogant people.
                     Allah in the Holy Quran says:

                  “He said: Then get forth from this (state), for it does not
                   befit you to behave proudly therein. Go forth, therefore,
                              surely you are of the abject ones”.
                     Other habits of the Prophet:
                      1-  Prophet used to sit like servants and used to
                         sit in a way where he can easily wake up.
                      2-  Prophet used to love eating food with servants.
                         The intention of such behaviors of Prophet is
                         to make such habits customary for Muslims.
                      3-  Prophet discourages people of formalities.
                      4-  Prophet  used  to  eat  food  with  hands  to
                         observe hygiene.
                      5-  Prophet  used  to  wash  his  hands  before  and
                         after the food.
                     Note: By washing hands according to view of Prophet:
                         1.  Removes poverty,
                         2.  Increase sustenance (Rizq),
                         3.  Abundance of good.

                  1. Surah Al-A’raf, Verse 13.
                  2. Refer to: Al- Shifaa Beta’riif Huquq Aal-Mustafa, Vol.1, P. 86.
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