Page 171 - Pure Life 08
P. 171

145( / Nutrition Style of Prophet Mohammad  (saww)

                     Prophet Mohammad       (saww)  used to invite people for
                  food and it is recommended in Islam to invite people
                  for unity and abundance.
                      1-  Prophet Used to start the food before and end
                         after  the  guest  has  finished.  It  is
                         recommended to eat in clean plates and glass.
                      2-  Prophet only used to eat what was in front of
                         him  and  was  offered  to  him  and  would  not
                         reach which was not reachable as the matter
                         of social politeness.
                      3-  Prophet  never  used  to  breathe  in  his  glass
                         while drinking water as concern for hygiene.
                      4-  According  to  view  of  Holy  Prophet  by
                         drinking all water at once causes pain to liver
                         so one should avoid drinking in one sip until
                         the amount is too less.
                      5-  Prophet used to eat from right hand as eating
                         with right hand is a symbol of blessing.

                     There  are       other     hadiths    from     Prophet
                  Mohammad      (saww)   that  he  used  to  do  many  things
                  with  his  right  hand  such  as;  eating,  drinking,
                  taking, giving, putting clothes, wearing shoes, and
                  moving objects.
                     According to a narration, Imam Sadiq        (as)  narrates
                  from  his  ancestors  that  the  Prophet  discouraged
                  eating and drinking with the left hand.

                  1. Refer to: Al-Tabarsi, 1932, P.23.
                  2. Refer to: Al-Tamimi Al-Maqribi, Vol. 2, P. 130, No. 447.
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