Page 172 - Pure Life 08
P. 172

144  / ( PURE LIFE, Vol.3.No.8, (Jumada al-Thani 1438. Isfand 1395. March. 2017)

                     This  claim  is  also  backed  by  medical  science
                  that  you  can  transform  you’re  eating  habits  and
                  your life by developing effective eating skills.
                     by and large, Prophet Mohammad          (saww)  stomach
                  was never filled with food and used to start and end
                  his food with salt.
                     Also Prophet Mohammad       (saww)  only used to eat when
                  he felt hungry and when his body required nutrition.
                     Nuri      Al-Tabarsi      quotes      that,    Prophet
                  Mohammad      (saww)  said:
                   “eat when you need it and stop when you still require more”.
                     According  to  the  traditions  of  Prophet
                  Mohammad      (saww) :
                      a Muslims should have 2 meals every day: one in the
                  morning and one at night. It is said by Holy Prophet that not
                   to abandon dinner, even eat few pieces of bread with salt.
                     Furthermore Al-Tabarsi states that if one leaves
                  dinner will reach to old age soon.
                     In  the  other  hand,  The  Prophet  advised  others
                  against eating alone as he never ate alone when he
                  had the opportunity to eat with another person:
                  “Would you like me to inform you who the worst among
                   you is? One who rejects his guest, beats his servant, and
                                         eats alone”.

                  1.  Refer  to:  Koenig,  Outsmarting  Overeating:  Boost  Your  Life
                  Skills, End Your Food Problems, 2015.
                  2. Nuri Tabarsi, 1409, Vol. 16, P. 221, No. 17.
                  3. Al-Tabarsi, 1932, P. 195.
                  4. Al-Kulayni, 1367, Vol. 2, P. 290; Al-Tabarsi, 1932, P. 31.
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