Page 35 - Pure Life 11
P. 35

               34  PURE LIFE, Vol.11.No.4, December. 2017 (Rabīʿ Al-Thānī 1439. Azar 1396)

                  Hirschi social control theory states that when people are
               indifferent  or  not  sensitive  about  social  constraints,  they
               will become criminals and commit misconducts.      1
                  In  these  theories,  media  play  a  meaningful  role  in  the
               depiction of general picture of crime in a society. The spread
               of this effect is so vast that all mentalities and mindsets the
               people hold about  a crime are all  products of media. This
               theory can be called popular media images of crime.
                  Gerbner  holds  that  the  lessons  taken  from  TV  in  early
               childhood  are  probably  the  foundations  of  our  general
               worldview in later stages of life. TV is a meaningful source
               for general values, clichéd beliefs, ideologies and attitudes. 2
                  In other researches, internal and external causes of crimes and
               social  misconducts  have  been  investigated.  Some  factors  are
               specifically influential such as: parent children affinity described
               as the presence of parents in family circle, mother’s loyalty to
               children  and  not  marrying  after  divorce,  attention  and
               encouragement  of  parents  to  children,  family  tranquility,  and
               warm relationship between teenagers and parents, to name a few.
                  Findings of these researches suggest that stability of family
               condition is very effective in prevention of crimes in teenagers.
                  In teen years, teenagers look for role models and acquisition
               of  identity  for  themselves,  and  the  role  of  parents  becomes
               especially important. It can be argued that families who fail to
               preside  over  the  behavior  of  children,  families  that  are  less
               likely to have rules and standards regarding irrational behavior
               of  children  and  are  not  strict  in  giving  a  firm  response  to
               children’s misconducts and antisocial behavior are just paving
               the ground for future mischiefs and misconducts.

               1. Reiner, 2000, p. 212.
               2. Gerbner, 1994, p. 31.
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