Page 60 - Pure Life 11
P. 60

Future Studies of Religious Education Based on Virtual Learning /59
               Definition and E-Learning Characteristics
               Many  experts  outline  the  definition  of  e-learning  from
               different point of views. Some common definitions on e-
               learning are outlined as follows:
                   -  E-learning is a teaching and learning process that allows
                      the delivery of teaching materials to learners using the
                      internet platform or other computer network tools.
                   -  E-learning  is  an  educational  system  that  uses
                      electronic  applications  to  support  teaching  and
                      learning  through  internet,  computer  networks,  and
                      standalone computers.
                   -  E-learning  is  all  learning  and  teaching  process
                      which  includes  the  use  of  computers  to  support
                      improving the quality of learning, including the use
                      of mobile technologies.
                      E-learning  also  use  web  based  teaching  materials,
                      hypermedia, multimedia or websites, online discussion
                      forums,  collaborative  software,  e-mail,  blogs,  wikis,
                      computer  aided  assessment,  educational  animation,
                      simulations,  games,  learning  management  software,
                      electronic voting systems, and others. It can also be a
                      combination of different medias mentioned above.
                  From the definition it can be concluded that the system
               or  the  concept  of  education  that  utilizes  information
               technology in the process of teaching and learning can be
               referred to E-learning.
                  The characteristics of E-learning are as follows:
                   -  Utilizing  the  services  of  electronic  technology;
                      where  teachers  and  learners,  learners  and  fellow
                      learners  or  teachers  and  fellow  teachers  can
                      communicate easily.

               1. Soekartawi, 2017, p.12.
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