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Future Studies of Religious Education Based on Virtual Learning /61

               wide  range  of  access.  Some  educational  institutions  and
               companies  also  use  an  intranet  network  as  an  e-learning
               medium to reduce cost.
                  There  are  few  more  points  related  to  e-learning  as
                   -  Distance Learning
               E-learning  is  distance  learning  that  utilizes  computer
               technology, computer network or Internet.
                  E-learning  allows learners to study education  material
               through  online  computer  networks  in  their  own  places
               without attending the classroom.
                  E-learning  is  also  understood  as  a  form  of  web-based
               learning that can be accessed from a local intranet or the
               internet.  E-learning  material  does  not  have  to  be
               distributed  on-line  either  through  local  network  or
               internet, but it can be distributed off-line using CD / DVD.
                  In  this  case,  teachers  may  develop  an  application  and
               learning  materials  as  required  by  students  and  then  the
               application  and  material  are  distributed  through  CD  or
               DVD. The learners use the CD/DVD at their own places.

                   -  Teaching with Computers
               E-learning is delivered by using computer/mobile devices.
               Most  of  the  devices  are  equipped  with  multimedia
               devices,  internet  connection,  and  local  intranet.  With  a
               computer  is  connected  to  an  intranet  or  the  internet,
               learners  can  participate  in  e-learning  programs.  The
               number of learners who can participate is not limited by
               class capacity.
                  The subject matter can also be presented with a higher
               standard  quality  compared  to  conventional  class  which
               depends on the condition of a teacher.
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