Page 77 - Pure Life 11
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               76  PURE LIFE, Vol.11.No.4, December. 2017 (Rabīʿ Al-Thānī 1439. Azar 1396)
                      This  means  online  access  to  1000+  Videos,
                      Activities,  Worksheets  and  Quizzes  that  can  be
                      used for face to face or online Islamic teaching to
                      young  kids.  KAZ  online  School  Team  is  also
                      offering  initial  training  to  use  the  learning system
                      and how he/she could benefit from it.
                  Now we will share with you that how latest E-Learning
               Trends  have  been  applied  which  is  making  KAZ  School
               Learners  love  spending  time  learning  the  true  values  of
               Islam in an easy and interesting manner.

               Cloud-Based E-Learning System
               KAZ Online School is a cloud based e-learning system. Its
               content is developed using multiple software and products
               and then hosted on a cloud based E-Learning Management
               System.  This  helps  KAZ  school  Team  to  manage  the
               course content and Learners in an efficient manner.
                  This  enables  KAZ  Online  School  to  have  a  secure,
               reliable  24/7  available  Platform  to  host  its  courses  and
               provide a fast and reliable global reach to their learners.
                  Due  to  this  KAZ  online  School  have  grown  rapidly
               across  multiple  geographical  regions  and  currently  have
               subscribers  across  21  Countries  like  UK,  US,  Australia,
               New Zealand, Pakistan, India, East Africa, Chilli, Sweden,
               France, Denmark etc.
               Micro Learning
               KAZ online School is using micro learning techniques in
               developing its courses.
                  Each  Lesson  is  specific  to  the  topic  distributed
               normally in three sections:
                   1.  Video Lesson
                   2.  Related 1-2 Page Worksheet
                   3.  Related Multiple Choice Quiz
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