Page 75 - Pure Life 11
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               74  PURE LIFE, Vol.11.No.4, December. 2017 (Rabīʿ Al-Thānī 1439. Azar 1396)
                      1.  KAZ online School– Basic Course
               This  course  is  a  comprehensive  basic  Islamic  Education
               course. After subscribing to the course, each week learner
               will  receive  a  set  of  videos,  activities,  worksheets  and
               quizzes for the following subjects:
                   -  Jurisprudence (Ahkam),
                   -  Ethics (Akhlaq),
                   -  History (Tareekh),
                   -  Theology (Aqaid).
                  Each  week  lesson  covers  multiple  topics  on  the  above
               subjects in detail to help students understanding the subject
               and the practical implementation of Islam in their lives.
                  The  course  is  comprises  of  150+  Video  Lessons,
               multiple worksheets and quizzes suitable for ages between
               6 to 14 years.

                      2.  How  to  Understand  the  Knowledge  and
                          Wisdom of Quran
               This  course  is  to  understand  in  a  simple  and  interesting
               manner  that  how  Quran  is  the  Book  of  Knowledge  and
                  The  focus  is  to  make  learner  ponder  and  reflect  to
               realize the wealth of knowledge and wisdom in the words
               of Allah Subhanhu wta'aala.
                  The course is comprises of 12 Video Lessons, multiple
               worksheets and quizzes suitable for all ages 14+.

                      3.  Understanding Imam (ATFS) of our Time
               This course is to understand the importance of the Imam
               (atfs)  of  our  time  and  how  to  behave  while  he  is  in
               Occultation.  So  Allah  Hasten  his  Appearance  to  fill  this
               Earth with Justice and Peace.
                  The course is comprises of 3 Video Lessons, multiple
               worksheets and quizzes suitable for all ages.
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