Page 76 - Pure Life 11
P. 76

Future Studies of Religious Education Based on Virtual Learning /75
                      4.  Prayers Made Easy- Complete Daily Prayers
                          (Salah) Guide
               This  course  is  an  opportunity  to  learn  all  about
               performing daily Prayers (Salat) from scratch till end in an
               interesting and engaging manner.
                  This course covers all matters related to Prayers from
               its Pre-requisites, Positions, Meaning, Handling of Doubts
               and In-validations.
                  The  course  is  comprised  of  Ahkam  mentioned
               by leading  Maraja  (Jurists)  of  our  time  like  Ayatollah
               Sistani, Ayatollah Khamenai, Ayatollah Makarim Shirazi
               and others through animated videos.
                  The course is comprises of 12 Video Lessons, multiple
               worksheets and quizzes suitable for all ages.

               KAZ Online School Target Audience
               The Target Audience for KAZ online school are as follows:
                   1.  Young Generation to induce basics of Islamic concepts,
                      teaching and values. Even if they are going to weekly
                      Sunday schools/Maddrassa then this will engage them
                      in learning Islamic content over the remaining six days
                      and covers the learning gaps (if any).
                   2.  For  Parents  that  are  looking  for  easy  accessible
                      authentic Islamic Education source. As this course
                      will  equip  them  with  Islamic  education  tools
                      needed to educate and nurture their children. This
                      will provide them complete Islamic Education with
                      comprehensive,  results-producing  and  interactive
                      audio-visual resources at their fingertips.
                   3.  For Islamic Education Teachers to gain the benefits
                      of especially designed web based learning System.
                      With this system an Islamic Education teacher will
                      have access to use KAZ School Learning System.
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