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               72  PURE LIFE, Vol.11.No.4, December. 2017 (Rabīʿ Al-Thānī 1439. Azar 1396)
                  Cloud-based online training is easily accessible to learners
               across the globe and reduces training costs significantly.
                  Additionally,  updating  online  training  content  and
               introducing  new  products  and  features  is  easy  on  Cloud
               and can be accomplished in a matter of minutes.
                  Cloud-based  E-Learning  and  training  also  ensures
               advanced data encryption, thus aiding data security.

               Wearable Technology Training
               Wearable  gadgets  are  the  new  rage  in  the  world  of
               technology. Google  Glass, Apple  Watch,  and Oculus
               Rift are  some  of  the  gadgets  that  have  pioneered  the
               rising  trend  of Virtual  Reality in  E-Learning  through
               wearable gadgets.
                  These wearable tech devices help users to interact with
               E-Learning  content  in  a  multi-dimensional  and  more
               dynamic way.
                  These  devices  make  E-Learning  more  engaging  and
               interactive to individuals.
                  Technological advancements in the field make Virtual
               Reality  more  appealing  with  the  help  of  3D  simulations
               and scenarios in the E-Learning realm.

               KAZ Online School (Islamic E-Learning Platform
               Case Study)
               KAZ  Online  School  presents  a  unique  engaging  online
               Shia  Islamic  E-Learning  Platform  specially  focused  on
               young generation.

               1. Hung, 2012, p. 10.
               2. Clark and Mayer, 2016, p. 68.
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