Page 94 - Pure Life 11
P. 94

Playing the Gospel of Video Games  /93

                   Hybrids: It's important to recognize that many games
               are  not  limited  to  a  single  genre.  Some  are  the
               combination  of  two  or  more  game  types.  In  fact,  as
               gaming evolves, we see lines blurred between genres more
               frequently than not.
                   Since  the  introduction  of  3D  gaming,  the
               action/adventure  genre  has  grown  dramatically.  It  is
               practically a catch-all category that incorporates 3D games
               with  realtime  combat  and  puzzle-solving  in  a  fairly
               cohesive  storyline.  Many  of  these  games  are  also  first-
               person-shooters.  Some  are  3D  platform  titles.  And  most
               survival  horror  titles  qualify  as  Action/Adventure  games
               too.  Another  example  of  a  hybrid  is Myst.  It  is  both  an
               adventure game and a puzzle game. However, it is most
               certainly not an Action/Adventure game.
                   Even the number of game genres is so big, the video
               game  market  is  dominated  by  a  few  subcategories  of
                   1.  Multiplayer  online  battle  arena  (MOBA)  an  RTS
                      which contain two separate teams of equal numbers
                      of  players  fighting  to  destroy  prebuilt  structures
                      that appear in the same spot each time you start a
                      new game.
                   A game last anywhere from 20 minutes to over an hour
               and the goal is to destroy the other team’s structures and
               ultimately  the  opposing  team’s  base.  Destroying
               structures, killing minions and killing other players grant
               your  character  money,  gold,  or  other  types  of  in-game
               currency in order to buy items from your base to improve
               your firepower.
                   After a game is completed, all progress from that game
               is wiped out, and if you choose to start a new game, you
               begin from the very beginning, like the previous one.
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