Page 95 - Pure Life 11
P. 95

               94  PURE LIFE, Vol.11.No.4, December. 2017 (Rabīʿ Al-Thānī 1439. Azar 1396)
                   The game is typically recorded in your match history. You
               can choose from a variety of playable characters, sometimes
               referred  to  as  champions,  all  with  unique  skill  sets.  The
               amount of customization in MOBAs is rather limited, since
               all of the characters that you can play are premade.
                   After a game is completed, all progress from that game
               is wiped out, and if you choose to start a new game, you
               begin  from  the  very  beginning,  The  most  widely  played
               game in the world is League of Legends.
                   Professional  League  of  Legends  players  form  teams
               sponsored  by  large  organizations  like  Coke,  Intel  and
               Nissan and the victors bring in cash prizes of hundreds of
               thousands of dollars.

                   2.  The RPG are a category of games which controlled
                      the  market  for  a  long  stretch  prior  to  the
                      introduction and growth of online play.
                   These types of games will have more social or political
               commentary, or be more religiously driven than a MOBA
               becouse  they  focus  the  story,  whereas  MOBA  on  the
               gameplay. Even these games offer hours of content, they
               may not have as much replay value as a MOBA because
               RPGs offer no new content when played through again.

                   3.  The massively multiplayer online roleplaying game
                      (MMORPG) is the most extensive game, taking the
                      longest  time  to  develop,  and  requires  regular
                      maintenance of servers and gameplay updates.
                   The MMORPG takes place in an online environment.
               While is some guidance as to what the player should be
               doing in the game, you are free to explore the world, fight
               monsters, go on quests, follow the main story line, fight
               other  players,  ride  animals  (known  as  mounts),  farm,
               mine, and so much more at your own leisure.
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