Page 116 - Pure Life 23
P. 116

Exploring English Translations of Quran… H. Alimi Baktash and M.H. Amiri  / 115
                  The  word  Rahman,  as  it  is        In  other  words,  the  only
               popularly  recognized  among          name  that  refers  to  all  of  His
               some  commentators,  refers  to       attributes is Allah.
               the  General  Mercy  of  Allah           There  is  no  god  but  Allah;
               which  is  bestowed  upon  all        and  each  of  the  other  phrases
               creatures - among them are the        such as “Creator”, alone, is not
               believers  and  the  disbelievers,    sufficient  enough  to  proclaim
               good-doers  and  evildoers.  So,      as  evidence  of  Monotheism  in
               the  preferred  equivalent  for       Islam  and  that  is  why  in
               Rahman  could  be  “the  All-         religions  other  than  Islam,  the
               merciful” and the word  Rahim         God  of  Muslims  is  referred  to
               referring to that Specific Mercy      as Allah.
               which  is  endowed  upon  the            The  words  Rahman  and
               believing,  obedient  servants        Rahim  are  adjectives,  both
               alone.                                derived  from  Allah  which
                  Christian Trinitarian formula      means mercy and grace.
               is “In the name of the Father,           Two  vital  religious  terms
               the Son and the Holy Spirit”.         whose  meanings  are  often
                  So the phrase 'In the name' is     misunderstood?
               the exact equivalent  for  bism-i        According    to    the   Bible
               in     Arabic.     (    exegesis,  mercy  is  when  God
                                 doesn't  give  us  what  we  do
                  The word Allah mainly used         deserve (as punishment) and grace
               by Muslims to refer to God in         is  when  God  gives  us  what  we
               Islam,  and  it’s  the  most          don't  deserve  (as  extra  reward).
               complete  and  comprehensive          (
               name  among  the  God's  many         grace.html)
               names.                                   In   Habakkuk      3:2,    the
                  This  is  because  each  of        prophet  asks  the  Lord  to  “in
               Allah's names, which are found        wrath remember mercy”.
               in  the  Holy  Qur'an,  truly            Despite God's judgment, He
               reflects one particular aspect of     asked for God to relent and not
               Allah's Attributes.                   pour  out  the  full  wrath  they
                                                     deserved.  King  David  sought
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