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               24   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 23-46, Summer 2020
               Introduction                             At  the  heart  of  dialogue  is
               Throughout  history  there  have  inter-religion        dialogue     as
               been  lots  of  conflicts  among  religion         is     the     most
               people  in  different  parts  of  the  comprehensive  of  all  other
               world  due  to  religious  and  faiths  human  disciplines  as  long  as
               differences;     thus,     dialogue  there have been Homo sapiens
               between the followers of different  (The  pre-historic  wise  men)
               religions  and  faiths  can  remove  may  be  since  70.000  BCE
               the misunderstanding.                 (Swidler,  2013:  1)  to  explain
                  Connecting  various  people  to  the  ultimate  meaning  of  life
               each  other  and  providing  them  and  how  to  live  accordingly.
               with  relevant  information,  social  (Swidler and Mojzes, 2000: 1)
               media can solve the problem and          The  term  dialogue  covers
               promote the dialogue. However to  several  engagements  between
               avoid  any  bias,  the  social  media  religions   from    formal    to
               users  should  be  equipped  with  informal  debates  with  scholars
               some skills to be able to analyze,  to daily conversations between
               understand  and  evaluate  the  believers  with  the  purpose  of
               content.                              social     change,      peaceful
                  This paper is going to overview  coexistence,  religious  growth
               first of all both social media and  and      mutual     understanding
               interfaith dialogues. It then bases  while  the  common  feature  of
               its  work  on  the  three  skills  all  these  forms  of  mutual
               introduced  by  Potter  (2013)  to  interfaith  dialogues  is  mutual
               answer the research question that  respect and learning from each
               how social media can be used for  other,  so  interfaith  dialogue
               interfaith dialogue?                  refers  to  any  forms  or  degrees
                                                     of  constructive  engagement
               Interfaith Dialogue                   between  religious  traditions.
               The     world    always    needs      (Cornille, 2013: 12)
               dialogue as human beings have            It  should  be  kept  in  mind
               been described as social beings       that dialogue between religions
               since  the  time  of  Aristotle.      is  not  a  neutral  study  of
               (Spitzer, 2012: 109)                  religions,  dialogue  is  not  only
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