Page 32 - Pure Life 23
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Social Media … F. Amirfarhangi and A. Ramezani  / 31
               religious  hierarchies  because       is  acquired,  also  both  sides  can
               social  media  is  controlled  by     find some commonalities to find
               website owners as well as social      out  and  follow  the  path  to  the
               media  users  as  publishers  and     truth and avoid any illusions and
               critics.                              misconceptions  about  the  other
                  For him, although the nature       side.
               of  online  communication  lets          In  his  view,  certainty  and
               the users to distort information,     truth  are  the  ultimate  goals  of
               social  media  can  promote           both  of  the  interlocutors  of  a
               interfaith dialogue; however, it      dialogue;  However  it  seems  it
               can  be  abused  to  promote          is not true about all those who
               prejudice  while  at  the  same       participates  in  dialogues  or  all
               time  it  can  be  used  to  combat   those who use the social media.
               prejudice      and     overcome          In his opinion, the media of
               ignorant biases.                      misinformation,       distortion,
                  He  asserts  that  “social  media   deception  and  sensationalism
               should be integrated into interfaith   corrupt   the    audience’s
               dialogue  so  that  it  not  only     perception  of  the  simple  truth
               contributes  to  positive  political   and  as  a  result  they  are
               change  but  also  to  furthering     different  from  the  purposive
               interreligious  understanding”.       media that respect the  ethics of
               (Kessler, 2013: 1)                    those who quest for the truth as
                  According      to   Altwaijri,     their first  and foremost goal; in

               dialogue  is  a   medium  and         fact,  both  media  and  dialogue
               media  channels  are  used  for       have  a  common  objective  and
               people’s  interaction  as  readers    that  is  to  reveal  the  truth.

               or   listeners,  for  exchanging      (Kessler, 2013: 1)
               information      and      sharing        So  far  the  previous  studies
               experiences  and  viewpoints          have  discussed  about  the
               between  parties  in  a  dialogue.    problems both social media and
               (Altwaijri, 2014: 14)                 interfaith dialogues have faced
                  In  his  view,  through  dialogue   with; and they have focused on
               the knowledge of the other party      the  positive  role  social  media
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