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               32   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 23-46, Summer 2020
               plays  in  developing  interfaith     Potter’s Media Skills
               dialogue; however, the authors        Encountering a media product,
               of  the  present  research  could     one  needs  some  skills  which
               not  find  any  approaches  or        are significant because of three
               solutions to solve the problems       reasons.
               in their interrelationship.              First,  the  skills  lead  to  a
                  These  authors  believe  that      better   information     filtering
               regardless of the mere access to      since  everyday  lots  of  media
               media in its traditional and new      products are produced while all
               forms,  the  users  need  to  be      of them are not valid or useful.
               equipped  with  media  literacy          Second, they empower us to
               skills to be able to encode and       process    the    meaning      of
               decode the products.                  information.
                  Therefore,     the     present        Third, they help us to make
               research describes the skills to      our  own  meaning  from  the
               give a clear picture of the issue     information  and  do  not  accept
               and    answer     the    research     the  meaning/s  imposed  by
               question     to    clarify    the     media producers.
               significance  of  the  skills  in        Potter tries to persuade us to
               dialogue.                             acquire media literacy skills to
                  The  authors  preferred  to        improve  our  social  media  use
               refer to the skills introduced by     and interaction. These skills are
               Potter  (2013)  as  in  their  view   analysis,    evaluation,     and
               most sources in this filed refer      synthesis. (Potter, 2013: 16)

               to  the  introduction  of  media
               literacy     (Baligh,      2001;          1.  Analysis Skill
               Shekarkhah,  2006;  Basirian          For  Potter,  analysis  means  to
               and Basirian, 2006) or how to         go  below  the  surface  of  a
               use  social  networks,  (Lesani,      message  to  be  able  to  extract
               2006)  while  Potter  provides  a     certain  elements  that  are  used
               comprehensive        explanation      to  find  meaning  or  to  solve  a
               about the skills for dealing with     problem.     Analysis     means
               the content of media messages.        breaking  the  message  into  its
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