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The Role of States… H. Aziz  / 55

               cognition,     viz.,    language,        In this activity there is also a
               learning,  memory,  and  thinking     communication  of  sight,  sound,
               with  a  genetic  basis  spread       smell, touch, and maybe taste.
               across  100-billion  brain  cells        A similar activity takes place
               with  a  potential  for  making  a    in  CST  that  mainly  involves
               few trillion neuronal connections     sight and sound.
               in  different  arrays,  which  give      Touch  is  restricted  to  the
               the human brain its characteristic    screen  to  enhance  conversation
               plasticity.                           techniques.
                  It  is  this  false  theory  that     There  is  no  use  of  smell,
               allows  for  the  exclusion  of  the   touch,    and     taste.    The
               human       component       from      conversation  appeals  to  the
               definitions of CST.                   intellect and emotions.
                  The    correct    theory,   as        There is reduced usage of the
               demonstrated  by  the  Higgs          senses, which is compensated by
               Boson  experiment  in  the  Large     the  increased  appeal  to  the
               Hadron Collider, is that matter is    intellect and emotions.
               the  product  of  energy  in  an         Cognition in the real world is
               energy-field.                         conditioned  by  the  use  of  five
                  MOU needs to show the role         senses  while  in  CST  it  is
               of  contextual  education,  the       conditioned by two senses.
               connection  between  cognition           This  means  that  cognitive
               and  human  interaction,  and  the    skills in the two worlds develop
               use  of  interlocutory  models  as    differently but the appeal to the
               paradigms  of  communicative          intellect  and  emotions  remain
               interaction.                          intact.
                                                        CST  users  commute  to  the
               Contrasts in Socio-Cognition          virtual world the perceptions of
               Interactive  conversation  in  the    smell,  touch,  and  taste,  which
               real  world  is  an  ordinary         are  supposed  to  enhance  their
               everyday activity that reinforces     cognition of the real world.
               cognitive skills.
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