Page 74 - Pure Life 23
P. 74

The Role of States… H. Aziz  / 73

                  In the immense CST there is           Globally,  this  translates  into
               a vast space for education, filled    gaps  between  rich  and  poor
               with  competition  by  numerous       countries.
               epistemologies,  which  share            The gaps adversely impact, to
               methodologies  influenced  by         lesser  or  greater  degree,  on
               technological developments.           national  economies  and  on  the
                  All  epistemologies  commute       social   well-being    of   their
               the  preexisting  unsolved  issues    populations.
               in education to CST.                     The       least      common
                  The  religious  organizations      denominator  to  all  countries-
               with     the    most     credible     rich,  poor,  and  middle-  is  that
               curriculums that focus on the old     “not  all  learners  are  achieving
               unsolved issues in education are      their potential at school.”
               better  positioned  to  command          The       under-achievements
               large support bases and win the       compound      social   problems,
               attention of policy makers.           which  are  already  complex  but
                  There  are  many  such  issues     seemingly averse to intervention
               but the priority ones are:            strategies.
                   •  Achievement           gaps         -  How      can     religious
                      between learners                      institutions  optimize  the
                   •  Ongoing       professional            social   and    economic
                      development of teachers.              return       on      their
                                                            governments  edu-spend,
               Achievement  Gaps  between                   supplemented by parental
               Learners                                     and corporate spending?

               Rose  Luckin  et  al.,  state,  “The
               gap between those who achieve            Across  the  world-  rich,  poor
               the most and those who achieve        and middle- there are vast arrays
               the  least  is  a  challenge  that    of people with low literacy and
               teachers,     school      leaders,    numeracy skills.
               administrators,  and  government         Illiteracy  and  innumeracy  in
               officials face every day, in every    the  former  colonized  countries
               country.”                             still rank high.
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