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               70   International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 7 (23): 47-77, Summer 2020
               countries, Both attacked through      threats.  New  techniques  of
               Microsoft Windows.                    security need to be introduced.
                  The    criminals    demanded          Civilian  intelligence  can  be
               $300  in  Bitcoin  for  release,      easily  converted  to  military
               States  should  train  their  police   intelligence,  The  coordinates  of
               forces to handle such crimes.         a  mobile  phone  of  a  perceived
                  “Petya”  also  affected  the       enemy can  be  used  to  launch a
               radiation  monitoring  system  in     lethal drone attack.
               Chernobyl, Russian steel and oil
               companies,     and    a   French      The Ethics of CST
               construction materials company.       The  militarization  of  CST
                  As  there  is  no  100%            compels its citizenry to demand
               cybersecurity  it  is  necessary  to   ethical  standards  of  conduct
               have  a  layered  approach  to        because  its  development  has
               security with focus on how they       permeated  every  aspect  of
               set  up  their  networks  with  the   civilian life and its algorithm is
               ability  to  recover  quickly  after   intended  “to  replace  human
               the    attack,   This    is   the     judgment  of  social  functions”
               responsibility of both states and     (Nick Bostrum).
               institutions.                            The freedom of using CST is
                  Although  major  platforms         accompanied by  “responsibility,
               that  aggregate  content  and         transparency,        auditability,
               manage discourse have invested        incorruptibility,  predictability”
               heavy  resources  to  secure  their   (Bostrum).
               platforms  their  servers  get           AI  as  a  component  of  CST
               compromised  and  emails  are         can and do go wrong such as the
               intercepted and released into the     2010  financial  “flash  crash”,
               open  public  domain  to  fight       downward      manipulation     of
               political battles.                    carbon  emissions  by  motor
                  Victim  states  need  to  defend   vehicle           manufacturers,
               servers  and  networks.  Not  only    autonomous      vehicles   being
               platforms  but  also  the  users      involved  in  a  traffic  accident,
               security need to be protected as a    and modification for the purpose
               whole  in  order  to  ease  the
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