Page 146 - Pure Life 25
P. 146
Applying Islamic Values of Management … A.H Khichi1 and S.R.H Razavi/ 145
adopting distinctive principles Shura, Verse. 38, Allah
of Islamic, out of which some directed the people to do proper
of the distinct operational consultation in various issues
principles are described as to create peace, harmony and
given below: equality in the society by
saying “And those who have
- Shura answered the call of their lord
The managerial leaders according and setup prayer and conducted
to Islamic principles are different affairs with proper
responsible to do proper consultation and spent out their
consultation with their followers time by bestowing on them for
or employees to facilitate in sustenance”.
decision-making process. Allah also says in Surah Al-
Hossain (2016) pointed out Imran, Verse. 159 that people
that management practices in should always seek the mercy of
Islamic organizations are their Allah by dealing with their
based on the principles of followers or subordinates gently;
democratic system and And if the subordinates are
managers in the Islamic treated with harsh words, they
system are always advised to would have broken away about
consult with their subordinates you; so pass over their mistakes
on various organizational and always ask for Allah to
issues to succeed in forgive them by consulting with
formulating any of the new them in their affairs.
business strategy or policy. The research work
Allah has directed his conducted by Ashtankar
Prophet on various occasions to (2015) identified that religion
exercise consultation with his has become the important part
followers and companions in of our society to impact human
social spectrums of Arabic thinking, attitude, behaviors,
system. According to the their social interactions and
guidance of Allah in Surah Al- relationship with others.