Page 149 - Pure Life 25
P. 149
148 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 133-178, Winter 2021
environment in the outcomes of their managerial
organizations by treating actions in business environment.
politely with their staff Allah asked their believers to
members and sharing their depend on Him without showing
opinions on various any dependence on other human
organizational issues. beings. The managers in Islamic
The Four Khalifs of the workplace environment are
Islam got huge aspiration and responsible to prepare and
trust from their followers develop their managerial plans
because they gave necessary based on rational (halal)
importance to the Islamic objectives without creating any
Jurisprudence based on Quran, discrimination or negative
Hadith, Izmah and Kias. behaviors against others even
(Fozia et al, 2016) against non-Muslims working
They always followed these under their management
principles of Islam and treated practices.
their followers with justice, trust The managers are advised to
and reliability. The great Islamic depend on Allah for the
leaders and managers followed successful achievement of
these Islamic principles by their business goals and their
behaving justly and fairly without managerial plans.
creating any discrimination with
their team members. 2. Need of Management
The managers followed in Islamic Society
Quranic commands about We need to analyze the
Muslims to behave fairly with Muslim leader’s manners,
their subordinates even in any Muslim way of management
circumstances if the verdict goes and its personality which
against them. The managerial originates from their own
leaders in Islam showed Islam. The most important is
complete dependence on the to examine the issues of
messages of Allah for possible management from Islamic