Page 157 - Pure Life 25
P. 157
156 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 133-178, Winter 2021
funeral, the apostle was never symbolize core Islamic values
forsaken by a generous friend, as stated in Quran and by
whom he delighted to name his Prophet Mohammad.
brother, his vicegerent and the Imam Ali started to change
faithful Haroon of a second Mosa. the state into Islamic state,
Prophet Mohammad said changed the economy system.
that “I am the city of He cancelled the system of
Knowledge and Ali is the door wealth distribution made by
of it”. Upon such virtuous, we previous rulers, brought a
can take his life as an example Islamic management system in
of leader and follow his which all will be treated with
management system to form an just. Islamic Philosopher
Islamic society. The Prophet of Farabi (950) theorizes that
Allah said that Every Prophet ideal state to be ruled by the
has vicegerent and inheritor Prophet Mohammad and his
and Ali ibn Abi-Talib is my successor Ali ibn Abi-Talib.
inheritor and vicegerent. Imam Ali letter to Malik
We are going to study the Ashtar about managing a
management ideas of Imam government was all about Fear
Ali with special reference to of God, equality, justice among
his letter to Malik Ashtar. all, do duties well, take care of
After Reading the letter, we orphans and many other which
discovered that his way of will be mentioned below.
management system was pure A famous Christian Scholar
Islamic and proven success. Abul-Anthaki reports that “the
Imam Ali wrote many letter explains what a human
letters but this letter is more management should be like
famous as regards to other due and how it is to be carried on
to its clarify of purpose. Imam and it justifies the claims of
Ali idea of management and Muslims that Islam wants to
justice does not only reflect his introduce a Godly
personal opinion but management of the people for