Page 175 - Pure Life 25
P. 175
174 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 133-178, Winter 2021
governments after the military possibility of Sharia law can be
regime of General Zia failed to imposed. It is obvious that in
created peace, stability, the current era the Pakistan
harmony and justice among Muslim society needs powerful
different sections and Islamic management system
communities living in Pakistan. led by the private sector with
Different government the support of Scholars.
policies and practices created New religious schools
hatred among Muslims and should be open to train the
non-Muslims and the incidents young generation and to
of political unrest and riots educate all citizens to make it
increased which caused severe literate country. From the
political, economic and social above discussion it is clear that
loss to Pakistani residents need of good leader and proper
representing Christians, management system is
Hindus and Sikhs living in required to run a state in
different provinces of Pakistan Islamic way.
including Punjab, Sindh and
Khyber Pukhtunkhwa.
The information collected
through literature review of
this research paper suggested
that all Muslim scholars
should gather and look for a
solution to impose Islamic
management system in
Pakistan. They can start with
small cities and then they can
impose in the whole country.
When the fear of God will
be arise, the rulers will be
uncorrupt then only the