Page 170 - Pure Life 25
P. 170
Applying Islamic Values of Management … A.H Khichi1 and S.R.H Razavi/ 169
actions that prohibited Allah his command because dictator
and His Prophet by and overload thinking will
distinguishing between the corrupt their heart and mind
good and evil in the society. and weaken their faith in
Rulers and governors during religion and create disorder in
his government system were the state.
always directed to develop Imam Ali directed his
their heart with feelings of governors to show respect
love for their people and let it through their actions as the
be the source of kindness and rights of Allah and the rights of
blessings to them. He directed man and always hear about the
his rulers and governors that complaints of their people.
they should never treat their Islamic values and management
people like a barbarian by not practices clearly highlighted the
appropriating them which need to create justice in the
belongs to them. society by treating equally with
The government system of common people, employees and
Imam Ali clearly indicated that subordinates.
Islam has never allowed their Islam provided a guideline
rulers to develop laws that to the managers and leaders
deteriorate the living of according to the true principles
common people. The Islamic of Islam to treat everybody in
values and management a community or in an
practices were clearly focused organization with justice,
to improve justice in the equality and humanity by
society and prohibited their creating justice and harmony
rulers to follow un-Islamic among different groups of
values and practices. people working within the
Imam Ali prohibited his organization. Islam also
Governors of different states to prohibited Muslim leaders to
never become dictator for his deal negative to their
people and therefore, bow to employees who belong to