Page 174 - Pure Life 25
P. 174
Applying Islamic Values of Management … A.H Khichi1 and S.R.H Razavi/ 173
developed in Pakistan over the The research made in-depth
past 70 years. analysis of determining
The research was conducted whether or not Islamic values
to examine the validity and and managerial practices of
reliability of the Islamic Islamic political system
government system according showed conflicts with the
to Quran and Sunnah and modern management and
discussed what was the political system in Pakistan.
contribution of Imam Ali in The research highlighted that
setting up exemplary Islamic different governments in
political system and Pakistan played their role in
managerial system and why developing government political
we should follow the Islamic policies and practices to
management and political achieve greatest Islamic values
system created by Imam Ali. and managerial practices in
The research highlighted the their society.
importance of Islamic The government of General
management system because it Zia created Islamic and Sharia
provided justice, equality, Laws to protect Islamic values
peace, stability and harmony in this society and stressed for
among different communities the Islamization of legal and
living in the Islamic society. political norms in the country;
Islamic values and But his Sharia laws and
managerial practices contributed policies created against
greatly in developing highly Ahmadiyya community and
valuable and progressing other sections of the society
societies throughout the world. created unrest among non-
The research examined the Muslims and their political,
influence of these political economic and social rights
systems and managerial were badly affected.
practices on the political Unfortunately, different
system of Pakistan. political and democratic