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               170  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 133-178, Winter 2021
               communities        other     than     Islamic values and management
               Muslims  including  Christians,       practices  on  Muslim  societies
               Jewish and Hindus.                    and institutions.
                  According         to       the        The    research     tried   to
               government  system  of  Imam          explore  whether  the  Islamic
               Ali,  the  Muslim  leaders  are       values      and      managerial
               responsible to maintain justice       practices  of  the  era  of  Imam
               in the administration and never       Ali  has  positive  or  negative
               impose it on their subordinates       relationship  with  the  Islamic
               and  always  seek  for  the           values      and      managerial
               consent of the people.                practices    adopted    in    the
                  Islam advised leaders never        political system of Pakistan.
               to  treat  negative  to  the             According  to  Rahman  et  al
               subordinates  and  never  face        (2013),  Islamic  values  and
               the  discontent  of  the  masses      management       practices     in
               because  it  could  shatter  their    Muslim societies and countries
               trust  on  you.  If  the  managers    are based on ethical beliefs and
               and leaders never treat equally       social  doctrine.  These  ethical
               with  their  subordinates,  they      beliefs  and  social  doctrine
               could  face  the  circumstances       supports  morality,  spirituality,
               when  nobody  will  be  near  to      intellectual   and    communal
               them  in  the  moments  of            human  rights  among  all  the
               difficulty. (Chughtai, 2015)          residents of that society.
                  In  the  final  section,  the         The  research  highlighted  that
               research  paper  investigated  the    Islamic  values  and  principles
               influence of Islamic values and       could  never  be  ignored  in  the
               management  practices  on  the        political     and      economic
               current  political  system  of        environment of Islamic states. It
               Pakistan.  It  was  the  most         was  the  responsibility  of  their
               important     section    of   the     government       officials   and
               research  which  demonstrated         policymakers  to  ensure  peace,
               the  influence  of  adopting  true    stability, equal human rights and
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