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Applying Islamic Values of Management … A.H Khichi1 and S.R.H Razavi/ 171

               society  without  creating  any       different political and military
               discrimination against minorities.    governments  were  established
                  The  results  drawn  from  the     in  Pakistan  including  the
               reviewed  literature  indicated       political    government        of
               that  Pakistan  as  a  Muslim         Zulfiqar  Ali  Bhutto,  military
               society  failed  to  implement        regime of General Zia and then
               Islamic        values         and     the  political  governments  of
               management  practices  in  their      Benazir  Bhutto  and  Mian
               society.  The  Islamic  laws          Nawaz Sharif.
               created  by  General  Zia  and           Similarly,  the  military  and
               other  political  and  military       political    governments       of
               government created unrest and         General  Musharraf  from  1999
               inequality in the society where       to    2008,      the     political
               powerful  people  ignored  the        government of Asif Ali Zardari
               rights of common people.              from  2008  to  2013  and  the
                  The  negative  government          current  government  of  Mian
               policies  of  different  political    Nawaz  Sharif  failed  to  create
               governments  in  this  country        justice,  equality  and  harmony
               showed  conflicts  with  the          among Muslims and other non-
               basic  Islamic  values  and           Muslim  communities  living  in
               management              practices     this country.
               implemented and suggested by             Pakistan faced various faces
               the  government  system  of           of    centralism,    engineered
               Imam Ali.                             constitution    and    so-called
                  The constitution of Pakistan       policies  of  Islamization  that
               faced    several    issues   and      increased  the  role  of  military-
               complications      because      it    bureaucratic  establishment  in
               completely  ignored  the  rights      the  country  in  almost  every
               of  minorities  and  created          sphere  of  life.  (Ahmad  and
               unrest  in  the  country  due  to     Sajjad, 2017)
               dysfunctional electoral system.          Right  now,  every  single
               In  the  past  five  decades,         department       of     Pakistan
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