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               172  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 133-178, Winter 2021

               including  Railways,  Wapda,          the government system created
               Steel  Mills,  even  government       and implemented by Imam Ali.
               policymaking  is  controlled  by         It identified the true values of the
               military-bureaucratic                 government system of Imam Ali by
               establishment. It enhanced the        investigating the Islamic values and
               ethnic      hostility     among       managerial practices of this system
               different  religions  and  created    according to the teachings of Quran
               ethnic  hatred  all  around  the      and    Sunnah.    The    research
               different  provinces  of  this        investigated     how      Islamic
               country.  Similarly,  the  influx     management  system  was  created,
               of     refugees     from      the     developed  and  implemented  in
               neighboring      countries    has     different  parts  of  the  world  where
               created      severe     political,    Imam     Ali    established   the
               economic and social issues for        government of Islam.
               Muslims  and  minorities  living         It  highlighted  how  Islamic
               in  this  country  including          values  and  political  system
               Christians, Sikhs and Hindus.         adopted  managerial  practices
                  Political  violence  against       that  promoted  justice,  peace,
               Christians  and  discrimination       stability,  equality  and  trust
               against  Hindus  and  Sikhs           among  Muslims  and  non-
               increased in Punjab and Sindh         Muslims  living  and  working
               provinces  where  Churches  of        with each other.
               Christians  were  set  under  fire       Once the political system of
               during  Muslim  Christian  riots      Imam  Ali  has  been  discussed
               and Hindu girls were forced to        and the true Islamic values and
               accept     Islam     in   Sindh.      managerial      practices     are
               (Waseem, 2011)                        examined,       the     research
                                                     investigated  the  influence  of
               Conclusion                            true    Islamic     value    and
               The current research paper was        managerial  practices  on  the
               conducted       to      critically    political  system  created  and
               investigate  the  Islamic  values
               and  management  practices  of
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