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               28  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 13-47, Winter 2021

                  In other words, the original       the  first  step,  and  his  attitude
               and complete revelation is the        was absolutely loving.
               person  of  Christ,  and  the            The  Bible  is  also  God's
               “Word  of  God”  is  manifested       plan,  a  message  that  benefits
               in the human body and in God          all  humanity  and  prepares
               in  the  presence  of  Jesus.         them  to  accept  the  scandal  of
               (Parcham, 2004: 300-395)              the  cross.  The  essence  of
                  In    “Paul's     Letter    to     revelation      depends       on
               Colossians”, the purpose of the       believing    in    Christ    and
               manifestation  of  God  in  the       listening to the saving message
               body of Christ is stated: By the      of the gospel.
               work  that  Christ  did  for  us,        From  the  Bibe  point  of
               God  provided  a  way  to  bring      view,  revelation  in  history  is
               everything  back  to  Him,  both      not yet complete, and with the
               in  heaven  and  on  earth.           Second  Coming  of  Christ,
               Christ's  sacrifice  on  the  cross   revelation  will  be  complete,
               and  the  blood  he  shed  for  us    and  the  glory  of  God  is  for
               have made peace with God.             those who are saved and have
                  Jesus     made      such     a     risen  as  children  and  heirs  of
               relationship with God possible        God. (Parcham, 2004: 309)
               by sacrificing his human body             “John's  Epistles”  say:  Yes,
               on the cross. It is as a result of    my  children!  Strive  to  have  a
               this  sacrifice  that  Christ  has    close  relationship  with  Christ
               brought  you  before  God.            so that when he returns we can
               (Parcham, 2004: 305)                  welcome him with confidence,
                  From  this  statement  it          not       with      fear       or
               becomes clear that the purpose        embarrassment.  (Gospel  of
               of     this    revelation    and      John, 1: 28)
               manifestation of God in Christ           Yes, dear  ones, we are truly
               is  to  reconcile  man  with  God     children  of  God  now,  though
               and  to  establish  a  relationship   we  do  not  yet  know  what  we
               with him. It was God who took         will be like in the future;  “But
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