Page 28 - Pure Life 25
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Comparative Nature of Revelation … M.A Shafizadeh and S. As'ad / 27

                  The same passage is used in        who  was  not  an  apostles  and
               some  passages  of  the  New          had  never  seen  Jesus,  worked
               Testament:  “The  God  of             hard to promote it.
               Abraham,  and  Isaac,  and               In  this  belief,  God  is
               Jacob, the God of our fathers,        manifested  in  Jesus  and  came
               glorified  his  servant  Jesus”.      to human beings in a physical
               “First  of  all,  God  raised  up     body,  and  whoever  sees  Jesus
               your  servant  Jesus  and  sent       has seen God; because Jesus is
               him  to  bless  you  to  atone  for   the Son of God and the Father
               each  of  you's  sins”.  (Acts  of    and  the  Son  are  one  truth.
               the Apostles, 3: 14)                  Therefore, Jesus Himself is the
                   Jesus  answered  and  said        incarnation       of       God's
               unto them, “My education is not       revelation. (Amini, 2014: 159)
               mine;  It  is  from  my  sender”.        Accordingly,  the  subject  of
               (Gospel of John, 7: 17; Quoted        revelation  does  not  mean  a  set
               by Amini, 2014: 159)                  of occult knowledge and truths
                  These  phrases  and  the  like     that  have  been  instilled  in  the
               make  it  clear  that  Christ,  like   Prophet;  Rather,  it  is  the
               the  other  apostles,  was  a         presence of God that enters the
               human being and a Prophet of          realm  of  human  experience
               God,     through     whom      he     through its influence on history.
               communicated  his  revelation            Paul  says:  “Christ    is  the
               to the people.                        sighted  appearance  of  non
                                                     sighted  God.  He  is  the  son  of
                   B.  Non-Linguistic Theory         God  and  superior  to  all
               In Christianity, there is another     beings”.  (Book  of  Colossians,
               theory  in  expressing  the  truth    1: 15)
               of    revelation,    which      is       Christ was the only one who
               completely  different  from  the      knew the Father and could tell
               first  view.  This  view  derives     him. (Gospel of Matthew, 11: 27)
               from  a  particular  Christianity.    Whoever  sees  Jesus  has  seen
               Some  of  the  phrases  in  the       God. (Gospel of John, 14: 9)
               Gospels appear in it, and Paul,
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