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Comparative Nature of Revelation … M.A Shafizadeh and S. As'ad / 29

               we  know  for  a  fact  that  when           (192)  With  it  came
               Christ  returns,  we  will  be  like         down the spirit of Faith
               him”.  (Gospel  of  John,  2:  2;            and Truth- (193) To thy
               Quoted by Parcham, 2004: 307)                heart  and  mind,  that
                  Thus, the sum and result of               thou  mayest  admonish.
               revelation  in  Christianity  are:           (Quran, 26: 192-194)
               The  Bible  along  with  the              -  Say:  Whoever  is  an
               tradition  of  Christ;  Of  course,          enemy to Gabriel-for he
               this  Christian  tradition  still            brings      down       the
               continues,      because       the            (revelation) to thy heart
               churches  are  responsible  for              by    Allah's    will,   a
               expressing  these  traditions,               confirmation  of  what
               which are the approvals of the               went      before,     and
               World  Council  of  the  Law  of             guidance      and    glad
               Faith  and  are  under  the                  tidings  for  those  who
               authority  of  the  “Holy  Spirit”           believe. (Quran, 2: 97)
               and    in    their   view,    are
               infallible.  (Tawfiqi,  2015:  180       In this Verse, one of the most
               and 194)                              important features of revelation,
                                                     namely  the  direct  revelation  to
               Revelation  in  the  Holy             the heart, is mentioned and it is
               Quran (Islam)                         said that “Gabriel” revealed the
               The  Holy  Quran  accepts             Quran directly to your heart (the
               revelation  as  a  truth  and         Prophet);  that  is,  the  Prophet
               attributes  it  to  the  prophets  in   understands  revelation  with
               many       Verses;     but     in     “Knowledge      by    Presence”,
               expressing its nature, except in      contrary  to  the  conventional
               the  form  of  mention,  there  is    teachings  of  human  beings,
               not much explanation:                 which  is  done  by  acquired
                   -  Verily     this    is    a     knowledge.
                      Revelation  from  the             According  to  the  Quran,
                      Lord  of  the  Worlds:         revelation  is  a  mysterious
                                                     connection  between  God  and
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