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Comparative Nature of Revelation … M.A Shafizadeh and S. As'ad / 31

               with all his being and not only       seeks  to  discover  a  series  of
               with his ear.                         truths  of  existence  that  are
                  God says :                         useful  only  to  the  mystic  and
                      It  is  not  fitting  for  a   the  seeker  and  not  to  others;
                      man  that  Allah  should       for this reason, God chose the
                      speak  to  him  except  by     path  of  revelation  to  guide
                      inspiration,  or  from         man,  which  is  free  from  any
                      behind a veil, or by the       error .
                      sending  of  a  messenger         In  order  to  guide  human
                      to  reveal,  with  Allah's     society  to  some  of  His
                      permission,  what  Allah       privileged  and  chosen  human
                      wills:  for  He  is  Most      beings,      God        provided
                      High,      Most      Wise.     knowledge      beyond     human
                      (Quran, 42: 51)                thought with definite signs and
                                                     miracles  in  the  form  of
                  It  is  inferred  from  the        revelation    to   ensure     the
               Quranic Verses that revelation        revelation  and  its  audience:
               is    not   a    rational-human       (Parcham, 2004: 157-161)
               consciousness  or  a  knowledge              We  sent  aforetime  our
               derived from human genius or                 messengers  with  Clear
               derived  from  great  thought,               Signs  and  sent  down
               mysticism  and  experience;                  with them the Book and
               Rather,  it  is  superhuman                  the  Balance  (of  Right
               consciousness and is a sacred-               and  Wrong),  that  men
               heavenly  teaching  and  is                  may  stand  forth  in
               considered an unseen teaching.               justice;  and  We  sent
               (Parcham, 2004: 159)                         down  Iron,  in  which  is
                  In    the    meantime,     the            (material  for)  mighty
               intellect,  as  it  sometimes                war,  as  well  as  many
               shows  the  way,  sometimes                  benefits  for  mankind,
               goes       wrong.       Mystical             that Allah may test who
               discovery and intuition cannot               it  is  that  will  help,
               be  a  guide  either;  because  it
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