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               134  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 121-144, Spring 2021

                  Therefore,  the  importance        and  this  applies  to  Muslims
               of Imam Mahdi is like a bright        waiting  for  the  appearance  of
               star  that  resembles  a  flaming     the  Imam  Mahdi,  and  the
               mass, which sends its beneficial      waiting  of  other  peoples  and
               rays  that  are  beneficial  to  the   religions for the Savior, who is
               earth  and  interact  in  humans,     one  of  the  sons  of  those
               animals, plants, air, water, soil     peoples.  The  same  applies  to
               and inanimate objects.                the  Shiites,  in  particular,
                  The  imam  who  came  with         waiting  for  the  appearance  of

               the  narrations  that  he  is  like   Imam Mahdi.
               the sun from behind the clouds           The  imams  of  Ahl  al-Bayt,
               is the one with whose presence        peace and blessings of God be
               people  have  enjoyment  and          upon  them,  described  waiting
               order  their  lives.  (Qazwini,       as  the  best  worship  for  the
               2009: 205-206)                        believer,  as  it  came  in  the

                  After  this  presentation,  we     hadith of Imam Ali:
               move  on  to  talking  about  the            “Waiting  is  one  of  the
               duty to wait, which represents               best acts of worship if it
               the  most  important  costs,  and            is  with  the  intention  of
               working  with  it  includes  most            worshiping  God,  and
               of  the  previous  costs,  and  we           not    a     desire    for
               address it within the following              anything      from     the

               paragraphs.                                  wreckage of the world”.
                                                            (Barqi,  1992,  Part.  1:
               The Importance of Waiting                    291; Majlisi, 2006, Vol.

               The honorable hadiths emphasize              52: 131)
               the  importance  of  waiting  for
               (Faraj)  with  its  general  title,
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