Page 136 - Pure Life 26
P. 136

The Philosophy of the Great Occultation … A. Hamade and K. Albunasir / (135

                  Imam Sadiq said:                   good faith in God, so it is not
                      “Blessed are the Shiites       surprising  that  the  honorable
                      of the Qai'm who await         hadiths  describe  it  as:  “The
                      his  appearance  in  his       most beloved of deeds to God”.
                      absence  and  obey  him        (Saduq,  2011,  Part.  1:  378;
                      when he appears. These         Khazzaz al-Qummi, 1980: 279)

                      are  the  friends  of  God        Therefore,  it  is  “The  best
                      who  do  not  fear  nor        job  for  My  nation”.  (Saduq,
                      grieve”.  (Saduq,  2011,       2011, Part. 1: 616; Ibid, 1983,
                      Part.  1:  357;  Majlisi,      Part.  2:  610-616;  Ibn  Shu'ba
                      2006, Vol. 52: 150)            Harrani, 1973: 10-106)
                                                        As the Prophet of God says.
                  Therefore, waiting for relief             “Waiting      proves     a
               is  “the  greatest  consolation”,            person’s  connection  to
               as  Imam  Sadiq  says,  and  the             his noble Lord, and his
               person who is waiting  is from               practical  belief  that
               the group of God’s friends.                  God  Almighty  is  in
                  Imam Jawad said:                          control  of  his  affairs,

                      “The  occultation  has                and  that  he  is  capable
                      multiplied and prolonged,             of    everything,     and
                                                            directs the affairs of his
                      so  the  believers  are               creatures with his wisdom
                      waiting for its appearance            and mercy over them”.
                      and the skeptics deny it”.
                                                        Whoever  was  one  of  the

                  Since    waiting     enhances      companions  of  the  existing
               faith  and  devotion  to  God         imam, let him wait. Likewise,
               Almighty  and  trust  in  His         he will gain the reward of this
                                                     jihadist companionship. His is
               wisdom and good care for His          what Imam Sadiq says:
               servants,  it  is  thus  a  sign  of
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