Page 134 - Pure Life 26
P. 134
The Philosophy of the Great Occultation … A. Hamade and K. Albunasir / (133
spreads its rays from behind of Resurrection, and he will be
the clouds. invoked against them or as a
On the other hand, we are witness against them on the
certain that the Imam is not Day of Judgment.
devoid of the earth; Because A narration on the authority
the earth is not devoid of proof. of Imam Ridha, that he said:
God Almighty said in the “We are God’s proofs
Holy Quran: in His creation, through
“One day We shall call us God holds the
together all human beings heavens and the earth
with their (respective) lest they pass away and
Imams: those who are through us rain descends
given their record in and spreads mercy; As
their right hand will the sea waves with its
read it (with pleasure), people”. (Saduq, 2011,
and they will not be Part. 1 : 202)
dealt with unjustly in
It is understood from this
the least; But those who narration that the Imams, and
were blind in this the Imam Mahdi are the proofs
world, will be blind in of God, and it is not possible
the hereafter, and most for the earth to be devoid of
astray from the Path”. them even if one of them had
(Quran, 17: 71-72) an absence from his Shiites;
Because if the Imam was
This text is clear that all completely absent, he would
people of the time, “All not have returned to the earth
People”, have an Imam whom safe and the land would be
they will call upon on the Day tainted with its people.