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               66  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 65-94, Autumn 2021
               Introduction                          incorrect  interpretations; Whereas,
               Undoubtedly, war has been one         according to blocking “a potential
               of  the  greatest  problems  of       expression  is  prevented  from
               human  societies  throughout          occurring     because    another
               history.  It  seems  that  due  to    expression  with  the  same
               human  scientific  progress  and      meaning  and  function  already
               the  desire  for  extravagance  of    exists”. (Aronoff and Fudeman,

               modern man, war has not been          2001: 235)
               a  fixed  routine  and  the              Therefore,  the  existence  of
               understanding  of  its  concept       two  different  words  with  the
               has  gradually  become  more          same  meaning  is  unnecessary.
               complex.                              Also, Karami MirAziziet al (2016)
                  On the other hand, war is a        in an article on the “Semantics
               socio-political issue with which      of  the  Word”  Jihad  “in  the
               the  whole  world,  including         Holy  Quran”,  believe  that

               Islamic societies in the present      contrary to the general approach
               age, is deeply involved; While        that   the    word     jihad   is
               the  propaganda  of  the  biased      conceptualized  instead  of  war,
               and  enemies  of  Islam  in           the  term  often  means  power
               pretending to be the violent and      and software-like warfare; That
               warlike  face  of  Islam  can  be     is,  trying  with  theoretical

               considered and followed.              concepts  such  as  promise,
                  On  the  other  hand,  some        sermon, guidance, etc.
               people have equated the meanings         Therefore, a correct understanding
               of  the  concepts  of  war  and       of the concept of war in the body
               jihad  and,  by  confusing  these     of  the  Holy  Quran  is  very
               two  concepts,  have  provided        helpful  in  order  to  model  Pure
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