Page 71 - Pure Life 28
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70 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 65-94, Autumn 2021
to the target domain with a believes that the Islamic
more abstract concept. Relying State's treatment of the
on linguistic evidence, Lakoff government and non-
and Johnson divided linguistic Muslim groups after
metaphors into three main their invitation to Islam
categories: structural metaphors, and their rejection by
oriental metaphors, and ontological them is a dignified peace.
metaphors. (Lakoff and He believes that according
Johnson, 1980) to the verses of the
It is clear that humans have Qur'an, war is an
not experienced the same living exceptional thing and as
conditions for a long time, they long as the causes and
have always been in two factors of war are not
situations of war and peace. affected, peace and
Many scholars have studied coexistence are established.
war and peace and their • Nizamloo (2011) by
conceptualization from the examining and analyzing
perspective of the Qur'an and two important views in
Islam. This is while from the the political-legal field
point of view of Quran and of Islamic governments
Islam, some believe in peace, with followers of other
some in war and some in other religions and Infidels
positions: believes that the initial
• Soltani Birami (2009) state is peace and peaceful
has studied the verses coexistence and war is a
related to war and peace temporary state.
in the Qur'an and