Page 68 - Pure Life 28
P. 68

Conceptual Metaphors of “Harb” Verses … Z. Mirsepasi et al / (67

                  Although  many  definitions        the Qur'an is not only wise but
               of  war  have  been  proposed  so     also  by  increasing  social  and
               far,  these  definitions  have  not   political  awareness  of  the

               been  able  to  properly  express     concept of war, it is changed or
               this concept; because this abstract   reformed  in  society.  The  main
               concept includes many conceptual      question of this article is what
               domains  that  can  not  be           kind  of  conceptual  metaphors
               understood  only  by  dealing         the Qur'an has used to objectify
               with its lexical meanings.            the abstract concept of war and

                  On  the  other  hand,  since       how they can be explained .
               many concepts are not expressed          The  subject  of  the  present
               directly in the Qur'an, they can      study  is  the  study  of  the
               not be achieved only by literal       conceptual  metaphors  of  Harb
               meanings and objective concepts,      in  the  Holy  Quran  in  the
               and because conceptual metaphor       framework of the critical analysis
               is a way to understand abstract       approach  of  the  Charteris-

               concepts from objective concepts,     Black metaphor (2004) in order
               so  abstract  concepts  and  ideas    to model pure life. In fact, this
               embedded in it can be achieved        research  is  related  to  two
               through metaphorical understanding.   different  scientific  fields;  That
                  On the other hand, since “the      is, the field of religion and the
               Qur'an has a complex metaphorical     field  of  critical  discourse

               structure  and  through  them         metaphor  analysis  with  a
               affects  the  minds  of believers”,   cognitive-body approach that is
               (Ghaeminia,  2010:  169)  so          related to cognitive linguistics.
               trying    to   understand     the        Critical discourse analysis is
               conceptual metaphors of war in        one level higher than discourse
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